Upon reaching her full development, Nui was raised by Ragyō as a servant of the Life Fibers, becoming the Grand Couturier of the Kiryūin Conglomerate (and of REVOCS as a whole). Concluding that a child born by a human could not properly merge with Life Fibers, Ragyō created an artificial Life Fiber womb from the mass of the Original Life Fiber, within which Nui was grown. Nui was born about 17 years before the events of the series proper, following Ragyō's failed attempt to fuse her newborn daughter with Life Fibers. Nui is also known for holding heavy grudges, like Isshin for cutting her eye out and Ryūko for cutting both her arms. When she finds herself injured or outmatched, she becomes more frantic, obstreperous, and aggressive, dropping all manner of her cheerful demeanor, which becomes more evident by the endgame after Ryūko cut off her arms. Her often bubbly behavior and nonchalance towards anyone that stands in her way often puts her at odds with the main cast, and can easily become bored while she playfully seeks violence to a sadistic degree. According to Ragyō Kiryūin, Nui is a free spirit and will do whatever she wants according to her whims. Nui has a childlike, jovial, and happy-go-lucky demeanor always smiling, and acting very friendly and even polite with everyone, demonstrating excessive intimacy towards even Satsuki Kiryūin and revealing to Ryūko in a rather nonchalant way the fact that she killed her father. Her design has a prominent heart motif, such as on her collar, the center of her bow, her earrings, and even the highlights on her pigtails. She accentuates her ensemble with a parasol, a large pink hair bow and a purple eyepatch, which covers the eye she lost in her battle against Isshin Matoi. Nui wears a richly adorned pink lolita-styled dress with matching boots and fingerless gloves. Her eyes are sapphire blue, with highlights that resemble a smiling face.

She has long blond hair styled in drill-like pigtails, with smaller locks framing her face. Nui Harime seems to be a young teenage girl of medium height.

3.4 The Great Culture and Sport Festival.